HEART STARTER JUICE 6 (12oz.) Bottles
- Immune system: Supports the immune system
- Blood pressure: Regulates blood pressure
- Cancer risk: May reduce the risk of various types of cancer
- Vitamin A: Contains beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, which helps maintain skin and hair
- Inflammation: Reduces inflammation
- Type 2 diabetes: Protects against type 2 diabetes
- Heart disease: Protects against heart disease
- Memory: Improves memory
- Blood sugar: Helps regulate blood sugar
- Brain power: Boosts brain power
- Heart health: Protects heart health
- Inflammation: Reduces inflammation
- Cholesterol: Reduces cholesterol levels
- Intestinal health: Promotes intestinal health
- Weitht loss: Can help with weight loss
- Bones: Contains calcium, which is important for building strong bones